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• 配戴一般隱形眼鏡須經眼科醫師驗光配鏡取得處方箋,或經驗光人員驗光配鏡取得配鏡單,並定期接受眼科醫師追蹤檢查。
• 本器材不得逾中文仿單建議之最長配戴時數、不得重覆配戴,於就寢前務必取下,以免感染或潰瘍。
• 如有不適,應立即就醫。
• 愛爾康全視氧日拋隱形眼鏡,衛部醫器輸字第034094號、衛部醫器輸字第033256號,北市衛器廣字第111040106號。



1. Grant T, Tang A. A survey of contact lens wearers and eye care professionals on satisfaction with a new Smart-Surface silicone hydrogel daily disposable contact lens. Clin Optom. 2020 Jan;12:9-15.
2. Grant T. et al. A Survey of Contact Lens Wearers and Eye Care Professionals on Satisfaction with a New Smart-Surface Silicone Hydrogel Daily Disposable Contact Lens. Clinical Optometry 2020:12 9–15.
3. Cummings S, Giedd B, Pearson C. Clinical performance of a new daily disposable spherical contact lens. AAOpt 2019, Poster.
4. Surface Water Content of PRECISION1 Lens; Alcon data on file, 2020.
5. Tucker B, Leveillee E, Bauman E, Subbaraman L. Characterization of the Surface Properties of a Novel Daily Disposable Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens. Poster presented at the American Academy of Optometry Annual Conference, October 23-26; Orlando FL.
6. iDDrop Comparative Studies; Alcon data on file, 2019.
​ 7. Cummings S, Brobst A. Clinical assessment of a new silicone hydrogel daily disposable and a HEMA-based daily disposable contact lens. Poster presented at the American Academy of Optometry Annual Conference, October 23-26, 2019; Orlando, FL.​
8. ANSI Z80.20-2016 Ophthalmic contact lens UV transmittance.
9. ISO 18369-2:2017 Ophthalmic optics — Contact lenses — Part 2: Tolerances / Table 4 Tolerance Limits.
10. Based on a survey of 116 eye care professionals in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand who fit and evaluated patients in PRECISION1™ lenses; Alcon data on file, 2021.